This week, I started my journey with Extension to finish out the rest of my student teaching experience.
New Surroundings
This week was very busy for Extension. On Monday I had orientation where I discussed the cool events and projects I will assist with while interning at Extension. On Tuesday, I was asked to assist with FFA officer interviews at the Standing Stone FFA chapter on behalf of the Extension Office. Being apart of the interview process was a really great opportunity to see how another chapter selects and prepares for a new officer team. Finally, for Wednesday and Thursday I had the opportunity to attend the annual Extension Conference at the Seven Springs resort where I got to see the amazing changes for Extension as well as meet other educators from all over the state.
Team Building for Success
This past Saturday, I was able to complete my first project with Extension. I created an activity guide to help 4-H camp counselors learn easy and effective activities to facilitate with campers. I taught a work-shop on the activity guide I created along with facilitating some of the activities with incoming 4-H camp counselors at the training that was held on Saturday. Over-all my work-shop was very well-received and has added tools to the counselors' toolkits!
Final Thoughts
There is so much more to Extension than I thought there was. Even though I spent over eleven years in 4-H, I have learned so much even in the short week that I have been in Extension!
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