
Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Adminsitrator Interview

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by the Bellwood Antis High School Super Intendant  to gain important interview tips and feedback.
The Questions
I was asked a series of questions ranging from information about myself, to my experience, to talking about a lesson or assignment that I am most proud to teach. The question portion of the interview lasted about 30 mins. After the "interview" was finished, the Super Intendant gave me the list of questions he asked from as well as advice for some questions that were not listed.
I feel that I was able to answer the questions adequately, I would like to practice answering tougher questions such as talking about OAB's and more. The Super Intendant felt that I answered his questions very well and that I should keep up the good work!

Questions That I Asked
I asked the Super Intendant what qualities immediately stand out to him in a potential candidate. The qualities he looks for are:
  • Cover letter and resume up-to-date, clear and concise, free of any errors
  • Candidate should be able to relax during the interview
  • The candidate should be on time and prepared for the interview
  • The candidate should show individuality when answering questions, this will make you memorable 
I was very impressed with the environment as well as the questions I was asked. It felt like a real, formal interview which will help me with future interviews! 

Student Teaching: Week 15

It's hard to believe that my final semester has come to an end.
When One Door Closes, Another Opens
This semester has been filled with many ups and downs, highs and lows, and many learning experiences. Through it all, I am thankful to have such amazing mentors Mr. Webreck and Mrs. Corl that have helped me during both stages of my internship. I will forever cherish the relationships and support I have received throughout my journey.
My Future Plans
While I grew up in 4-H and have always held Extension in a special place of my heart, I have decided to pursue a career in the classroom. I really enjoyed my internship with Extension and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to intern with them however, after being in the classroom, I have discovered that my passion truly lies with working with students and encouraging them to grow. I still hope to be involved with Extension in some capacity but for now my heart is set on the classroom!
Final Thoughts
Through this entire journey, I have learned so much about the profession as well as myself. I have been able to participate in once-in-a-lifetime experiences that I will always treasure. Once again, I can't thank my mentors and my support team enough for their help and encouragement! Here's to the next chapter!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

PAAE Meeting: South Central Region

Image result for pennsylvania association of agricultural educators

The Meeting
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to attend the PAAE South Central Region meeting. This meeting was filled with food, networking, and discussing important topics to the organization. It was great to see fellow cohort members as well as other Ag teachers in the State!
There was a wide variety of topics covered from upcoming events to committee reports to hearing what Penn State has to offer current Ag teachers in the way of support. One of the more pressing issues was learning about the organization's difficulty with their lobbyist services that sparked great discussion amongst the Ag teachers in attendance. They were able to devise a plan and hopefully resolve their issue!

Future Participation
Even though I am unsure if I will remain in Pennsylvania, attending the PAAE meeting has shown me the importance of participated with professional organizations. I look forward to joining the professional organization that is offered in the state I end up teaching in!

Student Teaching: Week 14

Science of Ag Challenge
This week, I had the opportunity to help the Blair County Science of Ag Team with their presentation at the Regional level. It is truly amazing to see hard working teens put their minds together to perform research that will better their livestock. The Blair County Team chose to conduct research on whether goldfish can keep algae and bacteria levels down in livestock feeding troughs. Their experiment was a success and they hope to continue their research for next year. They did an excellent job of presenting their project at the Regional level and I can't wait to see them compete at the State level in June!
Other Things Accomplished 
Over-all it was a slow week for Extension. In addition to helping with the Science of Ag Team, I assisted with preparations for the Blair County Livestock Show, assisted with planning for the embryology programs that will be conducted at local elementary schools, and assisted with some Huntingdon County Fair preparations.
Final Thoughts
It is hard to believe that my time with Extension is coming to an end. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to see what Extension has to offer and I look forward to making the most of my final week!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Student Teaching: Week 13

Image result for change of pace

This week, I started my journey with Extension to finish out the rest of my student teaching experience.
New Surroundings 
This week was very busy for Extension. On Monday I had orientation where I discussed the cool events and projects I will assist with while interning at Extension. On Tuesday, I was asked to assist with FFA officer interviews at the Standing Stone FFA chapter on behalf of the Extension Office. Being apart of the interview process was a really great opportunity to see how another chapter selects and prepares for a new officer team. Finally, for Wednesday and Thursday I had the opportunity to attend the annual Extension Conference at the Seven Springs resort where I got to see the amazing changes for Extension as well as meet other educators from all over the state.
Team Building for Success
This past Saturday, I was able to complete my first project with Extension. I created an activity guide to help 4-H camp counselors learn easy and effective activities to facilitate with campers. I taught a work-shop on the activity guide I created along with facilitating some of the activities with incoming 4-H camp counselors at the training that was held on Saturday. Over-all my work-shop was very well-received and has added tools to the counselors' toolkits!
Final Thoughts
There is so much more to Extension than I thought there was. Even though I spent over eleven years in 4-H, I have learned so much even in the short week that I have been in Extension!