
Friday, December 7, 2018

Virtual Mentor Interview 3

As the third installment of virtual mentor interviews, I was tasked with asking my virtual mentor team advice on a very important topic regarding special population students. I asked the question, "What are the best tips or resources you would provide to new teachers regarding special needs accommodations?". 
Resource People 
The overall consensus from my virtual mentors was to utilize the case workers within your school. They are an invaluable resource when reading through IEP's or asking questions about accommodations that are needed for certain students. 
I received some awesome tips from all three of my mentors.
  • Get advice from Special Education Teachers
  • Talk to the student
  • Talk with the parents
  • Pay attention to each student and their needs
  • Keep a binder with important information to stay organized
  • It is okay to meet students half way
  • Make everyone feel welcome in your classroom
  • Follow all accommodations listed for a student
  • Final Thoughts
  • I was able to have great conversations with all three of my mentors regarding this tricky topic. As listed above I was given lots of great tips and advice on how to help every student that is in my program!

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, using the team approach and staying organized are great ways to create a successful learning experience for exceptional learners. Your end goal is to make your classroom a place where all students can learn in a positive environment, and your team gave you some great advice for how to make this happen.
