
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

NAAE Convention

Last week, I was able to travel with my fellow cohort members to attend the National Association for Agriculture Educators (NAAE) Conference in San Antonio Texas. The week was filled with lots of networking and professional development opportunities. I was able to network with 84 other preservice teachers from Universities all across the country as well as seasoned teachers from all across the country. 

FAST Program
While we were in San Antonio, the we were accepted into the Future Agriscience Teacher Synopsis (FAST). This is an exciting program that is exclusively for preservice teachers. One of the workshops I attended was on Inquiry Based Instruction. This workshop gave us the tools to lead different labs integrated with science. I feel that this was an important  workshop to attend because it showed us the possibilities of inquiry based instruction and how we can implement these techniques in our own classroom. During FAST we also were able to have a discussion panel of agriculture teachers from across the U.S. and ask them any questions we had. This was an amazing opportunity to learn from seasoned teachers and hear their crazy stories and helpful advice. 
NAAE Convention
In conjunction with the FAST workshops, we were able participate in NAAE workshops. I was able to attended workshops that provided me with new knowledge, resources, and ideas that will benefit my classroom. To highlight a few, I attended one that was all about creating foldable and hands on notes for students. I can utilized what I learned many different ways and for all classes. Another workshop was on giving effective instructions to students. This workshop helped me out a lot since I feel like I struggle with giving clear detailed instructions during my lessons.
Final Thoughts
The connections I made with other preservice teachers as well as seasoned teachers were truly amazing. I was able to have conversations with agriculture teachers from all over and see how they run their programs as well as gain advice on various topics.
In conclusion, I had an amazing experience in San Antonio and I am so thankful that I was able to attend. I have walked away with new friends, mentors, resources, and amazement at how large and welcoming the Ag Educator family really is.  

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, NAAE is a wonderful opportunity, and I am glad that you enjoyed your time there! It sounds like you chose purposeful and useful workshops that will assist you during your student teaching experience.
