
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Studnet Teaching: Week 6

This week, I started teaching a full load of classes. Even though the week was cut short due to a cancellation, a two hour delay, and an in-service day, teaching seven classes a day has been an adjustment! 
Good but, Crazy Week
Due to the snow and ice, my week was only two and a half days of teaching. Even though it was my first week taking over all the class periods, I had so much fun getting to meet new students and to start teaching new topic areas! Sure it was a stressful week, but by planning ahead I was able to stay on top of things and was able to plan a fun floral arrangement project on Valentine's Day with the senior class!
Looking Ahead
I can't believe that week six has come and gone already! My student teaching internship is truly flying by! There have been many ups and downs so far and no doubt there will be more before my student teaching is over. Despite the ups and downs, I have truly developed a passion for wanting to see students succeed and to see them get excited about agriculture! I can't wait to see what the remaining weeks bring!
Advice Wanted
  • How did you juggle looking for jobs while maintaining your responsibilities as a student teacher?
  • What is the most effective method you have found for organization?
  • Do you have any tips for creating fun interest approaches?


  1. Sounds like things are going well. Take these for what they are worth:
    -- Prep your application materials, you should be able to use the same materials for any job, with minor changes. I don't know the posting system in PA, but would offer you this website: and encourage you to take a look. ;)
    -- Organization, I am by no means an expert, but I have found things that work for me. Couple of things that have helped me: turn in trays, grade an entire class at a time. If grading is piling up, reflect on are your assessments really focused on learning or are you taking grades because you feel like you have to? Be purposeful. Google Drive has been tremendous in supporting my organization systems. Really helped me out. Again, be purposeful.
    -- 3 things: pop culture references or tactile activities or give them something they won't understand to preview what they will learn. Really depends on the students, but these are the ones that I tend to lean to.

  2. I would encourage you to create a routine. Perhaps every Saturday morning you spend 2 hours applying/reviewing/searching for jobs!

  3. I would agree with what everyone has said so far. Honestly, it's a tough place to be but put student teaching first. Make sure you do a good job because you only have one chance at this trial round. BUT do what you can when you have time available to look at jobs. There will be openings that will come out all the way until August so definitely be looking as often as you can, but do make sure you're making student teaching a priority. (Disclaimer: this might be just my experience, especially since I was willing to move anywhere to teach so the "pressure" wasn't quite as high as compared to someone looking to teach in a very specific area). Take it with a grain of salt.

    I definitely use google classroom. I have my lessons folders. I do a folder for each class and then I have my individual lessons organized in separate folders and numbered so they're in order. I do some color coding too. I remember having folders for my AEE stuff too. I have a folder for professional development, purchase orders, FFA, Alumni, etc.

    I also have physical binders that I put everything in. I have an FFA binder, and officer binder, alumni/community, finances, classroom management (which is really just student info and safety tests), a "sub" binder which has nurse and referral sheets, seating charts, phone numbers, and schedules.

    I also make to-do lists and enjoy crossing things off of that. I use a planner to help with dates. Something I've recently been doing is if I know something is coming up that I need to send an e-mail about, but I need more information about before I send it, I'll make a draft. This way, I see that there is something that needs to be sent and I won't forget. It has kind of helped remind me of upcoming things that need to be taken care of ASAP. It has taken me some time to figure those things out. Especially since in student teaching, you're not going to have student records, purchase orders, etc. But I hope that can be helpful for you.

    Good luck!

    1. I said earlier I use google classroom. I meant google drive. (but I also use google classroom too).
